
George Zimmerman is under arrest again following his trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is detained for domestic disturbance and felony charges of aggravated assault and lesser charges of battery domestic violence and criminal mischief. Zimmerman's wife said to 911 dispatch "He's in my house, breaking all my s--- because I asked him to leave," Scheibe told the dispatcher. "He's got a freaking gun breaking all my stuff right now." she called 911 after a heated argument when she asked Zimmerman to leave. When authorities arrived Scheibe gave them the keys and they had to push though obstacles by the door to get in. 
"My girlfriend has ... for lack of a better word, gone crazy on me," Zimmerman said to dispatch in a separate 911 call when police were already at the front door. He claimed that his pregnant girlfriend was instigated the event and no guns were used. Zimmerman is in custody with no bond and shall the judge let him go the police suggest he be equip with electronic monitoring device. 

My only opinion on this is that it's just another domestic crime that is showcased out of the thousands that happen and you can't flim flam the zim zam.

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