Our game is a trivia game of sorts, move towards the center of the board answering questions on the way. The work on the board game was divided into thirds so that everyone did an almost equal amount of work. Marina worked on the game board, while Malcolm and I took to writing the questions and rules. In the process of writing this game I learned almost nothing but the fact that creating board games in not my thing and that I lack the creativity to come up with something new and fun. I also learned how to summarize the first half of the 20th century in 25 questions. The play-ability of the game is completely unknown because I have no idea how the game in meant to be played or how it is when it is played.
Athletes and spectators of the Sochi Olympics will suffer some of the most invasive and systematic spying and surveillance in the history of the games.Russia's Powerful FSB plans to have no communication during the games go unmonitored. Major adjustments have been made to Russia's telecommunication and Wi-fi in the black sea resort to ensure permanent filtering of all traffic using Sorm,Russia's system for intercepting phone and internet communications. 

I think this is to ensure the games run smoothly and are not interrupted by Muslim Extremist in Russia. The idea is invasive and seems wrong but will hopefully insure that the games run smoothly and not scar Russia's reputation. 


George Zimmerman is under arrest again following his trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is detained for domestic disturbance and felony charges of aggravated assault and lesser charges of battery domestic violence and criminal mischief. Zimmerman's wife said to 911 dispatch "He's in my house, breaking all my s--- because I asked him to leave," Scheibe told the dispatcher. "He's got a freaking gun breaking all my stuff right now." she called 911 after a heated argument when she asked Zimmerman to leave. When authorities arrived Scheibe gave them the keys and they had to push though obstacles by the door to get in. 
"My girlfriend has ... for lack of a better word, gone crazy on me," Zimmerman said to dispatch in a separate 911 call when police were already at the front door. He claimed that his pregnant girlfriend was instigated the event and no guns were used. Zimmerman is in custody with no bond and shall the judge let him go the police suggest he be equip with electronic monitoring device. 

My only opinion on this is that it's just another domestic crime that is showcased out of the thousands that happen and you can't flim flam the zim zam.


The largest storm to hit land struck the Philippines. The death toll is an estimated 10,000 but so far there are only 2,344 confirmed dead. 600,000 people lost their homes and are without food or clean water. The chaos that followed the storm set place for many people to go looting and get what they can. People have broke into mall, shops, and homes to take food and water. There have been rumors of armed gangs systematically looting. Much of the aid that is coming is stuck in Manila and Cebu a 45 minute flight away.
I think that this is a terrible disaster but also shows how poorly set up the relief that we(Canada) and the United States give is and how most of it arrives late of not at all.I think we need to rework the way our relief efforts are done and ensure that aid gets to the people who need it and not intercepted on the way by malicious gangs or people from other countries it was sent through.


October 16th, 1962 a couple was parked at Piper's Lagoon in Nanaimo. Leslie Dixion,19, and Diane Phipps,19, Were in Leslie Dixion's care at Piper's Lagoon when Ronald Eugene Ingram Shot Leslie Dixion in the back of the head twice and kidnapped Diane Phipps. The next morning Dixion's two brothers came looking for him only to find him shot dead and his girl friend missing. Phipps' body was later discovered at the rubbish dumb south of Nanaimo. The police had no lead for a year until the rifle used in the murder was discovered under the ice in a lake. Still, with the murder weapon in custody there was no suspect for another year until after various attempts of asking the people the police got a lead and arrested Ronald Eugene Ingram. Ingram later confessed to the murders and was put into a institution for mental health. Ingram escaped the hospital in aug
Three members of the Canadian senate are on the brink of being fired or discharged from the senate. These few senate members have been revealed to having used large amounts of government funds. Monday at 1pm EST members of the conservative party will meet in order to discuss the out come of these events. 

Harper needs to be a leader and lead by example and not appoint people to the senate based off of if they'll agree with him or not and base it off of a criteria. or that out senate should not be appointed by the winning party and elected by the people. Harper should have changed the steps to becoming a senate and ran everyone who is in the senate through these elections. that was if a problem was to arise, Harper would not be at fault and the problem would be the people electing someone.

The NFL sells pink merchandise for breast cancer awareness, but how much of that money is actually going towards cancer research? "In other words, for every $100 in pink merchandise sold, $12.50 goes to the NFL. Of that, $11.25 goes to the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the NFL keeps the rest."  11% of what is sold is actually making it to cancer research, and over 80% of the proceeds are going towards the NFL or the individual team. http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2013/oct/17/nfl-breast-cancer-pink-merchandise-profits

It's clever. not in line with most peoples morals but exploiting a cause to sell more merchandise and donate a small percentage to an actual research so no one asks questions. Organizations are all for profit, and lying is like second nature. 
Risk is a fairly accurate portrayal of the way a Major war general would make strategies for war in the early 20th century. The game is very difficult and lengthy if an alliance is not formed. Alliances hold power of others not in an alliance because they have a greater combined military strength and more money for spending. the Blitzkrieg which the Germans used in WW1 isn't a very reliable strategy  because you spread yourself to thin to quickly and are very open for a counter attack. The strategy that goes into acts of war and how they play out is very in-depth and complicated. There are many ways to fight a 20th century war in Risk. Risk is very close to a 20th century war simulator. Aside from the fact that you have large advantages in different places based on your terrain. All of these have to be taken into effect when planning or executing war. 
The Syrian conflict just got a whole lot messier. September 12th Islamist extremist in Syria declared war on non-Muslim rebels,the Free Syrian Army(FSA). On September 18th the ISIS(Extremist group) attacked the FSA in Azaz. 6 people were confirmed dead, among them doctors, rebels, and activists. Another 15 were reported captured. These attacks shut down the border to Turkey that is a major transit point for humanitarian aid in Syria. Azaz is now under full ISIS control.

In my opinion, the Islamist Extremist just made the war a lot more complicated and harder to win for them. By splitting the opposition of Assad, The government forces only have to deal with half of the rebels or less if casualties of thei
The U.S. Government is at a stalemate over the passing of the Obama care law. The Republican controlled House and the Democratic controlled Congress are having their political ideologies clash. The shut down is effecting many federal controlled government jobs, National parks across the nation are closed, and all essential government organisations are running, and all nonessential government services are shut down. There will likely be no long standing affect as this will not last very long. as there will likely be no long standing economic impact globally.

I think that the government should stop having such childish disagreement and just run the country for the people not for their own personal benefit and beliefs. 
